Her serial


The fifth episode of Gotharmony published exclusively on substack.

Gotharmony is fictional series set back in the Regency Era where gothic music was deemed evil. Its full of romance, betrayal, and mystery.

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You said I had the eyes of a wolf , search them and find the beauty of the beast.


"Beneath the skin, the scars remain, reminders of how we began" - Lacuna Coil,

Verity chuckled softly. "Indeed, Millie, no jest was intended. Merely an inquiry out of genuine interest, do share with me, how have you spent these past three years?”

Millie sighed dreamily. ""I've been occupied with duties in the kitchen and tending to the gardens. It may lack in excitement, but it fills the hours. Occasionally, there are balls and social gatherings to attend, But nothing compares to being here with you again, Miss Verity. It feels like home."

Verity smiled mischievously, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Millie, my dear, you're avoiding my question. Are you still gallivanting around with your secret beau?" she teased.

Millie gasped, her hand flying to her chest in shock. "Miss Verity! How dare you suggest such a thing!" she protested, her cheeks turning a rosy hue. "I assure you, there's no truth to such rumors. I'm not keeping any secret lovers! Just some innocent banter with the local lads, nothing more.”

Verity let out a playful scoff. "Oh, please, Millie. I highly doubt that. Need I remind you of the little escapade we had a few years back, sneaking out to meet young Duke Williamson's son?"

Millie's cheeks flushed crimson, her embarrassment evident. "Oh, Miss Verity, please don't bring up ancient history! It was nothing more than a foolish infatuation of a schoolgirl. Besides, he was quite beyond my station."Verity raised an eyebrow skeptically.

"Is that so, Millie?" she replied with a knowing smirk.Millie averted her gaze, her cheeks still aflame. "Well, perhaps there was someone else," she admitted reluctantly. "But it was brief and... it didn't end well."

"Come now, Millie, do tell," Verity urged, unable to resist teasing her friend further. She took great delight in Millie's discomfort, a playful glint in her eyes. She loved teasing and tormenting her poor maid.

Millie sighed in resignation. "Very well," she conceded. "There was a lad named Jasper, a stable hand. He was charming and witty, and we would often steal moments together after dusk. But , it was nothing more than innocent flirtation. Our paths diverged before anything could truly blossom.”

"And what became of him? Did you shatter his heart into a thousand pieces?" Verity teased, a mischievous glint in her eyes.Millie shook her head adamantly. "Oh, no, Miss Verity, nothing of the sort. He departed town quite unexpectedly, leaving without a trace."

"What a pity," Verity remarked sympathetically. "He seemed like a promising fellow."Millie nodded in agreement, a hint of wistfulness in her expression. "Indeed, Miss Verity. But perhaps it was all for the best. I've never had much luck in matters of the heart."

"Nonsense, Millie," Verity countered firmly. "You possess grace, intelligence, and a warmth that is unmatched. There's surely a gentleman out there who will cherish you as you deserve.”

Millie smiled weakly."Thank you for your kind words, Miss Verity. They mean the world to me.”

"Of course, as Miss Verity suggested... There's undoubtedly a suitable match out there," a voice resonated from the doorway, catching both of them off guard."Your grace..." Millie faltered, quickly rising from her seat beside Verity's bedside, her fingers nervously adjusting her apron.

"Ah, look who is here, what a pleasure to see you," Duchess Amelia Catherine Ashford greeted with a gracious smile, gliding closer to her daughter's bedside. She settled herself beside Verity, delicately cupping her cheeks in gloved hands, studying her daughter's features with discerning eyes.

"Marvelous resemblance, isn't it, Millie?" Duchess Amelia inquired, her gaze momentarily shifting towards the maid.

"Yes, your grace... Quite striking indeed," Millie responded, her tone deferential.

"And what is your opinion, Millie? Do you not find her captivating?" Amelia continued, her attention returning to Verity

"Indeed, Your grace. Miss Verity possesses remarkable beauty," Millie replied respectfully.

"Splendid," Amelia remarked, gently tracing Verity's cheekbones with her fingertips. "You are blossoming into quite the beauty, my dear. Just like your dear mother, wouldn't you say?"Verity offered a demure smile in response. "Thank you, Mama.”

Amelia kissed her daughter's forehead before addressing Millie. "I shall require a moment alone with my daughter, Millie."

"Certainly, your grace," Milly said and with a quick curtsy excused herself.

Once alone, Amelia turned to Verity, her face softening. "Now, my darling, I want to hear all about your time at the institution. Did you learn anything interesting? Have any adventures?"

Verity grinned widely. "Oh yes, mother, plenty of both! Studying there was amazing! The professors were brilliant, and I learned so much. Plus, I made some wonderful friends along the way. We even went on a few excursions to nearby villages and castles. It was truly unforgettable."

Amelia clapped her hands excitedly."Such delightful tidings, my darling! I couldn't be more pleased. And what of your pursuits in music theory and composition? Have you honed in on a preferred genre?”

Verity hesitated for a moment before speaking. "In truth, Mother, I've opted to deliberate a while longer. I feel compelled to explore a spectrum of styles and methodologies before settling upon a definitive path.”

Amelia raised an eyebrow. "My dear, time is indeed of the essence. Your father and I harbor lofty aspirations for you, and we anticipate your ascension to greatness.” “Yes, mother, I know," Verity sighed. "But I feel like I need more time to figure out what I really want to do."

"Hmmm," Amelia paused for a moment, considering her daughter's words."Very well, my dear. I shall grant you an extension. But heed my counsel, and do not tarry too long. The world is a competitive arena, and those who hesitate risk being eclipsed by their peers.”

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Verity felt a twinge of guilt. She knew her parents wanted the best for her, but she also craved freedom and independence. She wanted to follow her passions, she didn't want the same  path as her parents. She longed to explore a new musical direction that reflected her individuality and creative aspirations, as well as her desire to carve out her own identity separate from her family's legacy. She had been under her parent's wings for as long as she could remember. She hoped for something different.  A change maybe.

"Don't worry, mother, I promise to find a direction soon enough. For now, I'd like to enjoy my return home and spend some quality time with you and father."

Amelia smiled indulgently. "Very well, my darling. But remember, we expect great things from you. Our family has  a legacy to uphold."

Verity nodded firmly. "I understand, mother. I won't disappoint you."

   Amelia stood up from the bedside, smoothing her skirts. "That is commendable to hear. Now, perhaps it is prudent for you to rest and prepare for the evening. Your father and I are arranging a modest ball  in celebration of your homecoming, and we anticipate your esteemed presence.”

   "Of course, mother," Verity replied dutifully. "It would be my utmost privilege.”Amelia gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. "A commendable response, my dear. I shall instruct Millie to assist you in selecting an attire suitable for the occasion.  I long to see my girl look like the princess she has always been.  I'll leave you to rest."

"Thank you, mother," Verity said quietly. With that, Amelia exited the room, leaving Verity alone with her thoughts.

She lay in bed for a while longer, thinking about the conversation she had with her mother. She knew her parents expected a lot from her, but she couldn't help feeling trapped by their expectations. She wanted to make her own decisions and forge her own path in life. She yearned for something new. Something different . 

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The university of gothic music
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Shadia Alfan