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Conversations with Myself
Conversations with Myself: Talking to my younger self.

Conversations with Myself: Talking to my younger self.

The second episode of CWM published.

Talking to My Younger Self

Welcome back to “Conversations with Myself.”In today’s episode, I want to take a journey back in time. I want to talk to the younger version of myself—the one who didn’t have it all figured out (and let’s be honest, I still don’t). This is a conversation I’ve had in my head many times before, and if you’ve ever looked back and thought, “If only I knew then what I know now,” this episode might resonate with you.

Sometimes I wonder, what would happen if I could sit down with my younger self and tell them what I’ve learned? What advice would I give? What warnings would I share? Would my younger self even listen? Probably not. I think, like most people, I had to learn through my own mistakes. But still, it’s comforting to think about what I’d say, as if it could somehow make the past less complicated.

I remember being in my early teens, feeling completely lost. At that age, I thought I was supposed to have everything figured out. I thought I should know exactly what I wanted out of life, where I was headed, and how to get there. But the truth is, I didn’t have a clue. I was trying to keep up with everyone else, trying to meet expectations that weren’t even mine.

Looking back, I’d love to tell my younger self, “It’s okay to not have it all figured out. You don’t have to follow someone else’s timeline.” I spent so much time worrying that I wasn’t moving fast enough, or that I wasn’t achieving enough. But now I see that everyone’s journey is different, and comparing yourself to others only steals your peace.

There were also moments when I doubted myself—doubted my ability, my worth, my choices. I’d love to go back and give my younger self some encouragement. I’d say, “Trust yourself more. You’re stronger and more capable than you think.” Back then, I didn’t know what I was capable of, and I think I missed out on some opportunities because of fear.

If I could sit with my younger self, I’d tell them that life is going to throw challenges their way, but they’ll get through it. There will be times when things seem impossible, but somehow, they’ll find the strength to keep going. And in those tough moments, they’ll learn more about themselves than they ever thought possible.

But I’d also remind them to be patient. Not everything happens when or how you expect it to. Life has a funny way of surprising you, and sometimes the best things come when you least expect them. I spent a lot of time being impatient—wanting everything to happen right away. But looking back, I realize that some of the most important parts of my life took time to unfold.

Now, maybe you’ve had similar thoughts. Maybe there’s a version of you from a few years ago that you wish you could go back and talk to. Or maybe you’re still at a point where you feel lost and unsure. If that’s the case, I want to tell you what I wish someone had told me: it’s okay. It’s okay to not have all the answers. It’s okay to take your time.

If I could give my younger self one last piece of advice, it would be this: “Enjoy the process.” I was so focused on the destination that I didn’t always appreciate the journey. I was always looking ahead, worrying about what was next, instead of enjoying where I was. The truth is, life is happening right now, and we miss so much when we’re constantly thinking about the future.

Thank you for joining me again on “Conversations with Myself.”If there’s one thing I hope you take away from this episode, it’s that we all have a past self we can learn from. But instead of regretting the things we didn’t know, we can be thankful for the growth that came from those experiences. So, here’s to our younger selves—the ones who struggled, the ones who doubted, but the ones who made us who we are today.

Until next time, remember to be kind to yourself and embrace the journey. Take care.

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