Her serial


The fourth episode of Gotharmony published exclusively on substack.

Gotharmony is fictional series set back in the Regency Era where gothic music was deemed evil. Its full of romance, betrayal, and mystery.

Previous episodes:

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

You said I had the eyes of a wolf , search them and find the beauty of the beast.


“The blood the rose the thorns remain, the blood the rose the thorns remain "- the sisters of mercy.

" Yes my lady?" He asked turning around to face her.

"John, where might the servants be? I have yet to encounter any since my arrival," she inquired, slipping off her gloves and depositing them upon the bed.

John frowned, confusion clouding his features"Rest assured, miss, the servants are diligently tending to their duties throughout the estate. They may be preoccupied with preparations for the festivities planned in your honor this evening.""Festivities?" Verity echoed, her interest piqued. "And what occasion might warrant such a celebration?""Why, your return, of course, my lady," John explained with a courteous nod. "The household is eager to welcome you back, particularly after your prolonged absence in recent years.”

Verity nodded appreciatively. "I see. Please convey my gratitude to all who have made preparations for this occasion, and do inform my parents of my arrival. I am eager to reunite with them.” Her eyes glancing around the room.

"Of course, miss. I shall do so immediately." With that, he departed, leaving Verity alone in her chamber to contemplate her return home and the mysterious figure of the Veiled Lady still looming large in her thoughts. But that would wait. Her eyes scanned the room, nothing had really changed nothing had been touched 

She felt a warmth wash over her...she was home....she slowly strode to the bed and sat down, sinking into the softness. It felt so good to be back in the comfort of her own bedroom. She closed her eyes, letting the silence envelop her.

Her mind drifted back to her time at the academy. Those three years had flown by, yet they felt like a lifetime. She had learned so much about music, about herself. She had made friends, enemies, and found her place in the world.  The experiences had shaped her into the lady she had become. The friendships forged, the lessons learned, and the challenges overcome had all left their mark on her soul.  Now she was back home, ready to start the next chapter of her life.

Suddenly, she heard  a gentle rap echoed against the door. "Enter," Verity beckoned.The door creaked open, revealing her devoted maidservant, Millie, adorned in her modest attire. "Good evening, Miss Verity. Have you settled in comfortably?" Millie inquired with a warm smile.

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"Indeed, Millie. Please, dispense with the formality. We're akin to sisters, are we not?" Verity responded cheerfully, extending a welcoming gesture.

Millie's laughter filled the room. "Quite right, Miss Verity. Your presence has been sorely missed. The household lacks its usual liveliness without you.”

"Oh, don't flatter me so, Millie. I'm sure you've managed to find plenty of amusement in my absence.” Verity winked. 

A rosy blush painted Millie's cheeks as she shifted nervously as she fidgeted with the hem of her dress."Perhaps a bit, Miss Verity. But nothing compares to the excitement you bring. I am sure you had alot of fun during your adventures.”

"I wouldn't exactly call them adventures. Mostly just a lot of studying."

"But oh, Miss Verity, to walk the cobbled streets of the city, to witness its bustling markets and grandiose buildings! It's an experience unlike any other," Millie exclaimed, her eyes shimmering with fervor.

Verity smiled, feeling a surge of affection for her friend. She had missed Millie's enthusiasm and easy companionship.

Millie had been assigned to her as her maidservant afew months before she went to Oxford . She was the daughter of their gardener. She was very kind and caring, she had grown up with Verity and knew everything about her. They played and studied together. She was like a little sister to her.

"Come, Millie, do take a seat,"  Verity said pulling her by her hand to sit down on the bed. She wanted a heads on on everything that had been going on or maybe she just wanted to feel whole afterall it had been years. She looked at Millie with a warm smile. She had really changed by her appearance 

Her hair was now long and sleek. She no longer had her braids which made her look like a child. Her eyes had also lost their innocent sparkle.

"So, enlighten me of all that has unfolded during my absence," Verity inquired with eager anticipation, her eyes alight with curiosity.

Millie obliged, launching into a lively recount of the latest gossip, the comings and goings of the townsfolk, and the occasional scandal. Verity listened intently, soaking in every detail.

""And what of yourself, Millie?" Verity inquired gently. "Have there been any gentlemen vying for your favor?"

Millie's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue. "Oh, Miss Verity, you jest!"

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Verity chuckled softly. "Indeed, Millie, no jest was intended. Merely an inquiry out of genuine interest, do share with me, how have you spent these past three years?”

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Her serial
The university of gothic music
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Shadia Alfan